Home » Health Anxiety Show » Pivotal Question for Those Battling Health Anxiety: The Ultimate Self-Examination

Pivotal Question for Those Battling Health Anxiety: The Ultimate Self-Examination


Today we are covering the most important question a health anxiety sufferer can ask themselves as they go about the day for anyone Battling Health Anxiety. Today, we are diving deep, my friends. Welcome.

Hello everyone! This is the Health Anxiety Podcast Show and I’m your host, Dennis Simsek. Thank you for being a regular listener, my friends. If you know anybody suffering from health anxiety or a group, please share this podcast with them and let’s create a positive change in so many people suffering from health anxiety today. If you want to learn more about any of my anxiety recovery programs, including the Health Anxiety Program, Click The Link Below

Battling Health Anxiety

The Power of Questions in Health Anxiety

Today, we’re diving deep into a question. Yes, it’s a simple question, but it’s an important one for anyone battling health anxiety. It’s a powerful one. And isn’t it true that the kind of questions that we ask ourselves, knowingly and unknowingly, creates the states that we’re in?

A health anxiety sufferer, for example, asks themselves questions, like, is this going to kill me? Is this the big one? Should I be going to the doctor? What does this symptom really mean?

Changing Perceptions and Opportunities in Health Anxiety

Unfortunately, the answers to these questions are often catastrophic while battling health anxiety. And the reason they’re catastrophic is because your lower self or your little me doesn’t really understand neutrality, emotional neutrality, answers in terms of being neutral and safe.

What it really wants to do is it wants to keep you in the state that has been most familiar in your life. So health anxiety is very debilitating. At the same time, it’s an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to evolve.

The Key Question for Confronting Health Anxiety

Now, as you go about the day, I want you to ask your lower self or your little me, who’s projecting fear all day through your mind, your body, your emotions, this very question.

Now, as you go about the day, I want you to ask yourself, your consciousness, your awareness, this question. Is my response to these symptoms leading to my lower self perceiving less danger or more danger in this situation? Think about your lower self like a five year old child, and fortunately and unfortunately, that five year old is within you all the time, and it’s projecting its beliefs onto you through your feelings and ideas and more.

Shifting Perspectives While Battling Health Anxiety

We have to ask ourselves the question, as I’m bringing the five-year-old with me as I go about the day, am I projecting safety? Or am I projecting more danger in this particular situation? What do I want the five year old to believe in this situation?

However, in those very moments, if we can find emotional neutrality, sometimes leave an idea alone, leave a symptom alone, which you’re going to be doing very, very well. as you’re going to continue to do the surrender sessions I have on Youtube .

Creating Safety and Comfort Zones While Battling Health Anxiety

You may be in a situation where it’s a little bit unfamiliar. Maybe it’s like a restaurant. And as long as the five-year-old feels safe through what you’re doing physiologically, maybe your breathing patterns, your posture, your emotional state, and how you’re speaking to others, it’s all safe. The ideas that you’re attaching to, all of these elements, you’re projecting safety.

Anything connected to that restaurant will also feel safe. It’s very important that you ask yourself the question, is my response to these symptoms leading to my lower self perceiving less danger or more danger in this situation?

The Power Within: Defending Health Anxiety

The power is within you as much as the lower self wants to take power from you. Your lower self is this part of you that is very overprotective. It projects itself through sensations, through symptoms, through catastrophic ideas, through getting you to believe that you are health anxiety.

It’s not a chapter. It’s not a step on the ladder towards your evolving into the greatest version of you. It doesn’t want you to believe those things.

Breaking Free from Comfort Zones to Repel Health Anxiety

It wants you to believe that you are health anxiety to keep you within your comfort zones. Comfort zones are not just environments. It’s not just staying at home. You’ll notice with health anxiety sufferers that every single day, more often than not, it’s very similar to the last day. Everything they say, they do, the way they drive—everything is similar until we realize that when we start doing things a little bit differently and stick to it.

Embracing Change and Safety

It’s not just staying at home. It’s not with a full heart invested in safety as much as we used to be invested in fear. Now we can turn the tables around. Now we can show that five-year-old that life is safe and we are someone different. It is safe to be someone different because back in the day, maybe you weren’t allowed to be different. Maybe you had to mirror someone like an authority figure and you picked up on those patterns and habits. But now is the time to see beyond those things.

And ask yourself this very important question. Is my response to these symptoms leading to my lower self perceiving less danger or more danger in this situation?

Conclusion and Action Steps for Battling Health Anxiety

I highly recommend that you take this question with you on a card, in your wallet, your purse, or wherever convenient.

  • Ask yourself this question regularly throughout the day.
  • Answer in a way where you’re projecting safety.
  • If you’re in a situation where you’re in a situation where you’re in a situation safety to a child and that’s it.
  • Consider what actions you need to take, how you should think, and how to respond for the child to feel safe.
  • Don’t expect the child to feel safe right away; you need a history of success.
  • Stick to it every single day because this is our job now. This is our journey.

Closing Words and Invitation

And I love you so very much. If this podcast is helping you, please share it with someone in need. And if you want to learn more about the Health Anxiety Program, a 12-week journey to healing health anxiety for good, head over click the link below. I’ll see you in the next episode. Great job. Bye-bye.

Battling Health Anxiety

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