Recognizing the Signs of Healing Health Anxiety
Sometimes, with health anxiety, we can get so caught up in what still needs to be fixed within us that we don’t recognize the breakthrough moments of our health anxiety healing. So today, I’m going to share with you what it really feels like to heal health anxiety. So let’s go.

Introduction to the Health Anxiety Podcast
Welcome to the number one health anxiety podcast with Dennis Simsek, where Dennis shares crucial lessons on health anxiety that have worked to heal thousands worldwide over the past 15 years. This podcast is sponsored by the Health Anxiety Recovery Program, which is designed specifically for you to get to the root causes of your health anxiety and begin finding freedom from your mental and physical symptoms starting today. Visit under health anxiety to start the program today and enjoy today’s episode with Dennis.
Friends, welcome to another episode of the Health Anxiety Podcast Show. It is absolutely wonderful to have you here today as a listener. I’m grateful. And this podcast episode is brought to you by the Health Anxiety University, a supportive community where you can heal your health anxiety for good. Check the link in the description below.
Table of Contents
The Process of Healing Health Anxiety Breakthrough Moments
The Default Mode of Focus on Symptoms
So, what does healing health anxiety really feel like? Too many people who suffer from health anxiety don’t know what healing health anxiety really feels like, because as a default mode, they are so caught up with what still needs to be healed, what needs to be fixed. Often, there’s so much focus on, “Oh, that symptom is still there,” or “I still have that intrusive thought,” or “I haven’t forgiven my authority figures from the past,” or “I’m still dreading the uncertainty of what’s to come in the future.”1
Health anxiety sufferers tend to dread the idea of death at every corner of every minute of every day. This can become quite the cycle, quite the pattern.
Graduating from the School of Worry
Health anxiety healing feels like graduating from the school of worry. How much worry comes with health anxiety? Well, we become experts at it. Because, to some degree, after a certain period of time, we feel like everybody worries this much. You feel that you’re in this world, and you feel that you’re in this world. And you know, there’s a lot of things that you can do to fear, but you don’t need to worry this much over your physical health.
Understanding the Role of Worry
Our unconscious mind has convinced us that worry has been the very tool to keep those illnesses and diseases at bay. So, to some degree, we feel like if we give up worry, then we’re also putting ourselves out there and we may experience some kind of physical harm. And of course, mom worried, so worry also has the attachment of love connected to it. So, there you go, we take it on. But healing health anxiety is like graduating from the school of worry.
You feel like you can just, over time, slowly start giving it up. Well, yeah, that could happen. And my future self will deal with it. It’s kind of like that response. Or, yeah, that future thing could happen, but this could happen as well. Or, you start to look at worry and go, “Man, that is a real set pattern that I’ve been feeding into for so many years.” So, we start to see beyond the pattern.
We start to laugh at it. We start to become more emotionally neutral towards it. We start to see it in other people and go, “Well, that’s not me anymore. That’s them, and that’s their personal journey.” So, worry doesn’t become this automated way of dealing with things, especially our physical health anymore. And if you see this happening within you, I commend you, even to the smallest degree.
Emotional Lightness Leading to Emotional Breakthroughs
Embracing Emotional Lightness
Healing health anxiety really feels like an emotional lightness. You go about your day with a certain degree of lightness. Maybe you’re smiling a little bit more. Maybe you’re sitting in a different position at the cafe. Maybe you’re driving to work with a little less pressure on yourself. Maybe it feels like you’re not so fixated on your body, but your attention is slowly turning to what’s going on around you.
There is this feeling of emotional lightness that comes with the mental changes, the mental alterations around no more worry or less worry, and more allowance, more acceptance, even more appreciation for that part of me, that inner child, that ego mind that used to look to keep me so very safe through these symptoms and ideas and such for so many years.
Letting Go and Surrendering To These Breakthrough Moments
So, it feels like emotional lightness, where the heaviness of victimhood and fear are replaced with emotional balance and empowerment. And once you start to let go and allow these things to occur as they may, you start to feel a positive emptiness going on within you.2
A lot of people think that the word emptiness is bad of some degree, but I’m very empty on the inside and I’m very pleasant. I’m very happy. I’m very pleased with my life and how it’s unfolding. I trust in the unfolding of life now more than I ever have before. I allow things to occur as they may, and I’m no longer feeling like I have to control the situations around me or the situations in me. And they just happen. Things come and things go.
Embracing Empowerment and Progress
So, if you’re in this place of emotional balance and maybe even positivity, you’re in this place of emotional balance and empowerment. Empowerment because you feel like the work you’ve been doing, the inner work, is just now starting to pay off. For so many years, you didn’t allow yourself to see that your inner work was in fact paying off in this way. It was, but you never allowed yourself to see it because the voice of the ego mind, the lower self, was so very loud, and you thought that was the truth.
No. No, you can’t be happy yet. You haven’t healed. You don’t really deserve happiness or lightness. You don’t deserve this. That’s not a part of your identity. All of these words, these orders coming from that part of you, that conditioned self, that no longer belongs to your present lifestyle. It no longer belongs in your mind. It no longer belongs in your body, in your emotional state, and certainly not in your spirit.
Conclusion: Embrace Your Healing Journey’s Breakthrough Moments
I want you to start seeing the health anxiety healing patterns that are taking place right now on the inside and on the outside of you in terms of your behaviors and your words. Because we mustn’t ignore these things. The ego mind tells us to. We must focus on them. We must feed the progress. And we must allow ourselves to feel good about the direction that we’re headed. We’re coming back to our true self, leaving health anxiety and all anxieties behind us one small, gentle step at a time, my friends. And remember that you are more than anxiety.
If you’re enjoying this podcast, please give it a positive rate and review. It means so much to me. And if you want to learn more about the Health Anxiety Program,
a 12-week deep dive with me by your side, head over to today and click on the word health anxiety. I’m excited to see you in the next podcast episode and a quick update that the podcast, the Health Anxiety Podcast, now comes out on Thursdays, Thursday mornings, PST, whereas the main Anxiety Guy podcast comes out on Monday mornings, my friends. So, make sure you mark that in your calendar. And I can’t wait to see you in the next episode. I hope this spoke to you. I love you. I’ll see you soon. Bye-bye.

If you are enjoying this podcast, please subscribe and give it a positive rate and review. Also, don’t forget to check out the original Anxiety Guy podcast on iTunes with new episodes airing every Monday morning, Pacific Standard Time. Remember, you are more than anxiety. See you in the next episode.
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