Introduction (0:00)
Today, on the Health Anxiety Podcast Show, what do these three health anxiety habits really mean? We’re diving deep into patterns, my friends. Let’s begin. Welcome to the Health Anxiety Podcast Show, being brought to you by I’m Dennis Simsek, your host, and together we are going to navigate the health anxiety healing process, replacing fear with knowledge and transforming uncertainty into strength. Let’s embark on a path towards a healthier mindset and a healthier life. Let’s go. Welcome to another episode of the Health Anxiety Podcast. I’m your host, Dennis Simsek, and I am grateful for every listener out there.
My friends, if you want to learn more about the Health Anxiety Program, a 12 week deep dive into the roots of your health anxiety, revealing and healing, head over to under Health Anxiety and begin your journey
with me. And my peaceful warriors today, we’re going over a couple of habits.

Table Of Contents
Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Patterns (01:18)
You know, when you’re dealing with health anxiety, it’s very common to get caught up in your mental patterns, in your emotional patterns, in your behavioral patterns. And next thing you know, because we’re so caught up in these patterns, we tend to believe that that is simply who we are. Life becomes very automatic and unconscious, and we don’t really have the time or energy to stop and say, you know what, I am not this mental habit or emotional or behavioral habit that keeps spurring on more health anxiety elements behind it.
And so today, I want to bring to your attention some of these habits. And show you why they are there, okay?
Health Anxiety Habit Number 1: health anxiety, reassurance seeking. (02:07)
Oh my goodness, we’ve all been there. Reassurance seeking means connect with me because I’m lost. Guide me because I’m having trouble guiding myself. Reassure me of my physical safety because I don’t have trust in my body to heal or for faith in a pleasant future.
Understanding the Roots (02:38)
Now that you know the roots of why you seek reassurance, you can start to go, you know what, I can guide myself. The whole purpose of your conscious mind or middle self, as I like to call it, is to send messages and send guidance to your lower self. And the lower self is responsible for the automatic feelings and automatic behaviors and set patterns and habits that perpetuate health anxiety.
Guiding Yourself Towards Safety (03:10)
So you can guide yourself towards safety. You can reassure yourself around your physical safety saying, you know what, hands on heart, I am safe, little one within me. I know you’re looking to protect me and I know you love me unconditionally. However, I’m going to start mastering you rather than continue to take orders from you.
Breaking Free from the Habit (03:36)
So my friends, these are some of the habits in relation to reassurance seeking. And let me tell you something. I mean, reassurance seeking was a part of my life for many, many years, years, right? And it wasn’t until I realized, hey, you know, where is this habit taking me? How much energy is it using up, right? What is it distracting me from in terms of who I really am and how I can live my life? This doesn’t have to be the rest of your life. However, pay attention to some of the root causes that I’ve discussed today.
Health Anxiety Habit Number 2: Repeated Doctor Visits and Fear (04:14)
Second health anxiety habit comes down to repeated doctor visits and the fear of doctor visits as well. Which means an authority figure must confirm my good health. Because my past authority figures may not have provided me with the guidance I needed during childhood.
Seeking Certainty through Visits (04:38)
Repeated doctor visits mean I require certainty of my good health because uncertainty has been circulating in my mind for quite some time. Repeated doctor visits mean to re-experience a sense of inner relief and peace when leaving the office, knowing things in my physical world are all right.
Unconscious Needs and Comfort Zones (05:05)
Now, what we need to understand here, okay, is that whether you are the type of health anxiety sufferer that needs the repeated doctor visits or the fear of doctor visits, underlyingly, when you stay at home because of the fear of the doctor visit, it unconsciously provides you with some kind of need. It is reassuring you that you are safe in your comfort zones, which is your bedroom or, you know, your living room or with the people that you’ve been most familiar with. So it’s accomplishing a need.
The Reassurance Loop (05:54)
Don’t go visit the doctor, right? Because so-and-so. Because when we’re in this environment, we feel safe. However, in the back of your mind, you feel like you need to go and do the test. And of course, you want to go and do the test. Okay, you want to rule out anything and everything. And once you do, you will put your mind at ease. And the repeated doctor visits is, hey, I need that authority figure to reassure me once again. Because when you’re a child, maybe, maybe. There’s a good chance that you continue to need that reassurance from an authority figure, mother, father, coach, teacher, whatever it may be. And it made you feel really good. It made you feel safe. It made you feel listened to and protected. So now when you repeatedly visit the doctor, it’s not about, oh, now my physical health is good. Well, yeah, that’s a component to it. But that’s not the main thing. You’re receiving what you regularly received when you were a kid. Or something. You didn’t receive as a child that you’re receiving now through repeated doctor visits. So the reassurance seeking is providing you with some kind of a need, an unconscious need. And as you begin to see these patterns from this standpoint, you’re going to start revealing the truth behind why you do what you do.
Health Anxiety Habit Number 3: Constant Monitoring of Bodily Sensations (07:18)
Third health anxiety habit comes down to monitoring bodily sensations constantly. Which means the worst may not come true if I’m one step ahead and I monitor my symptoms just in case they get worse.
Unconscious Resistance to Change (07:37)
Constantly monitoring bodily sensations means to unconsciously keep things the way they are due to low levels of self-worth and belief in oneself. I am capable. I am of value to the world.
Embracing Choices and Control (07:56)
This world monitoring bodily sensations constantly means control rather than re-experience times in my past where I lost control, either due to my own mistakes or mistakes made by others towards me. Sometimes we forget that we have more choices on how to perceive something that once filled us with fear.
Journey Towards Healing (08:25)
And my friends, I want you to know that no matter where you are on this health anxiety healing journey, either frantically at the beginning or you’re starting to make peace with these patterns and your sensations and intrusive ideas, knowing that none of this is coming from you but your protective sides. No matter where you are on the journey, you’re exactly where you need to be learning what you need to learn.
Overcoming the Hump (08:53)
However, understand that until you get over this hump, and accept something that you haven’t accepted yet, until you accept it and make peace with something, you’re not going to get to the next step on the ladder. So I want you to reflect on your patterns and reflect on this very idea today.
Moving Away from Health Anxiety (09:12)
What do I need to come to grips with? What do I need to accept in my life in order to start moving away from health anxiety? Answer this question in depth. Maybe the answer will be there right away. Maybe it won’t. But plant the seed, my friends, because remember that you are more than anxiety.
Thank You!! (09:40)
If this helped you, please leave a positive rate and review for this podcast. It would mean so much to me, and I read pretty much every single one. I love you so very much, and I’m so proud of you. Keep going, and I’ll see you in the next episode. Bye-bye.
Health Anxiety for Good (10:27)
Be sure to check out the Health Anxiety Program at . A step-by-step program designed to empower you with the tools and strategies that you need to reclaim control over your health, mental well-being, and your life. And for those of you who enjoy diving into the written word, I have authored some important books for anyone suffering from the clutches of anxiety. You can find them on Amazon, where I share my wisdom and experience to guide you towards a life free from the grips of anxiety. Thank you again for tuning in. Remember that you are more than anxiety, and you have the will, the strength, and the insights within you to overcome this. I’ll see you in the next episode. Bye for now. Bye for now.
Comments (2)
The wealth of information and guidance on Dennis’ website, and all his content on Youtube, Facebook, etc., is unmatched by any other anxiety person on any platform. No doctor or “expert” comes close to the knowledge and true help you provide to people seeking help. I work in the field of law and I see so many psychiatrists who just treat patients with drug after drug, it never helps and the people never get better. Thank God for Dennis truly helping people every day!
Patty, I’ve seen your anxiety progress and it is truly inspirational. Keep it up, forward together.