Home » Health Anxiety Show » Taking Power Back From Your Anxiety Symptoms

Taking Power Back From Your Anxiety Symptoms

(00:00) Intro

Today, on the Health Anxiety Podcast Show, we are taking power back from our anxiety symptoms. We are becoming more than anxiety as we move into 2024.

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Table Of Contents

(00:15) Navigating the Healing Path

Welcome to the Health Anxiety Podcast Show, brought to you by TheAnxietyGuy.com. I’m Dennis Simsek, your host, and together we are going to navigate the health anxiety healing process, replacing fear with knowledge and transforming uncertainty into strength. Let’s embark on a path towards a healthier mindset and a healthier life.

(00:43) Overcoming Anxiety Symptoms: A Mental Approach

Welcome to another episode of the Health Anxiety Podcast Show. I’m your host, Dennis Simsek. If you are a first listener, I welcome you. Welcome to this podcast. I really hope that it can create some clarity for you, and keep you on the path towards true inner healing over health anxiety, my friends. If you want to learn more about any of my anxiety recovery programs, head over to TheAnxietyGuy.com today and take the frustration out of your anxiety healing.

(01:22) The Physical Realm of Anxiety Symptoms

Today, we are going to discuss how to take power back from these anxiety symptoms. And when I’m talking about the anxiety symptoms, I’m mainly going to talk about the physical parts of these symptoms. Yes, there are the emotional and yes, there are the mental, but we are going to focus today on the physical. I want you to understand that there is nothing wrong with you. So you can stop perceiving your symptoms as a means to a catastrophic end. You are unconsciously perceiving danger within present and future times, and you are overwhelmed.

(02:09) Mastering the Skill of Surrender

Therefore, my friends, what we must do now is take time for reflection and understand which mental approach to healing does not work for us. Which often seems to stem from a person becoming frustrated by symptoms still being present after putting in some inner work. If indifference towards our mental and physical symptoms is our goal, then we must begin treating these unconscious responses differently from a place of acceptance rather than a place of frustration.

Certainly! Here’s the text with h3 headers without a copy box:

(02:55) Shifting Perspectives on Healing

Embracing Daily Surrender

My friends, we can accomplish this each day by looking to surrender to them, sitting with these elements of anxiety and threat perception daily, and allowing them to flow through us however they choose to. Remember, this is a skill that must be mastered until we get to the point of feeling like these protective responses from our sensitized nervous systems are no longer bothersome to us. That’s where the magic lies, when these symptoms are no longer bothersome to us.

Challenging the Lower Self

Too often, we are led by the lower self, or unconscious mind, to believe that healing must come from tremendous acts from the mental body. We must figure it out. We must think as positively as possible about our futures. However, if your system is already overflowing with associations and connections to danger, threat, there is no space to put anything new in. How can new ideas enter into an overflowing cup?

Making Peace with the Little Me

Therefore, we must first make peace with what we have been fighting for so long. You may even call these symptoms parts of your little me. When you think of your little me, there just doesn’t seem to be as much power coming from this part of you as there originally was. Remember, the biggest issue here is that for too long you’ve allowed these perceptions of threat to become strengthened. And now, you are simply showing these unconscious parts that you are safe, your environment is safe, and that you can work together with your little me.

(05:09) Relationship Building with the ‘Little Me’

As we move into 2024, you will soon recognize that you are more than these anxiety symptoms. And you do have the courage to step out of that person that once felt like worry was a necessary part of living.

(05:30) Ending the Fight and Embracing Acceptance

Believing in Yourself

I believe in you. And soon, you’re gonna believe in yourself. But first, we must stop fighting. We must stop looking to overcome something. We must stop looking to reach a finish line. This is more so about relationship building. You are great at building relationships. People love you, all around you. People love you and appreciate you. And now, you just have to create a better relationship with your little me.

Understanding the Little Me

This little me is the root of these anxiety symptoms. This little me is afraid. This little me wants to be acknowledged, wants to be heard, and most importantly, wants to be guided. This lower self, or little me, just wants directives. So, starting now, you can embrace this little me. You no longer have to be afraid of it or the symptoms that it’s spewing. No more fear. From now on, there’s only acceptance. And there’s appreciation for this little me that’s working so hard to protect you from the uncertainties of life.

Expressing Gratitude

Thank you, little me. However, there’s no longer a reason to protect. And if these anxiety symptoms want to be there throughout the day, I allow them to, as I gently move my focus towards something else. I love you from the bottom of my heart, everyone.

(07:20) Resources for Overcoming Health Anxiety

And if you want to learn more about the Health Anxiety Program, head over to TheAnxietyGuy.com today and learn more about this life-altering program at TheAnxietyGuy.com. And I’ll see you in the next episode.

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Bye for now. Thank you so much for joining me on another powerful episode of the Health Anxiety Podcast show.

Stay Connected

Make sure to subscribe so you don’t ever miss another episode which comes out every Saturday morning PST time. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey and there are resources available to support you.

Comprehensive Program for Overcoming Health Anxiety

If you’re looking for a comprehensive program to help you overcome health anxiety for good, be sure to check out the Health Anxiety Program at TheAnxietyGuy.com. A step-by-step program designed to empower you with the tools and strategies that you need to reclaim control over your health, mental well-being, and your life. And for those who enjoy diving into the written word, I have authored some important books for anyone suffering from the clutches of anxiety. You can find them on Amazon, where I share my wisdom and experience to guide you towards a life free from the grips of anxiety.

Thank You

Thank you again for tuning in. Remember that you are more than anxiety and you have the will, the strength, and the insights within you to overcome this. I’ll see you in the next episode. Bye for now.


  1. Hola! En cuanto despierto por la mañana y mi cerebro entiende o reconoce que estoy despierta , liitle self comienza a reconocer y comienza lo difícil, los tics, Cervical distonia, y ansiedad….. cómo entreno a mi cerebro a ver otra realidad
    Una vez que empieza, me es difícil rendirse..

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