Home » Health Anxiety Show » How to Overcome the Fear of Admitting That It’s Health Anxiety

How to Overcome the Fear of Admitting That It’s Health Anxiety

Acceptance is admitting the fear that what we’re dealing with is health anxiety, nothing more and nothing less. However, why is it so hard to admit this truth to ourselves? Today we dive deep into a crucial health anxiety topic so we can overcome the fear, let’s go.

Ready to put health anxiety behind you for good? Learn more about the #1 online program for your health anxiety today right here.


In today’s episode of the Health Anxiety Podcast, we’re diving deep into the fear of admitting health anxiety to ourselves. Warrior, get ready. Let’s go. Thousands of health anxiety warriors healed around the world. Personal and inspirational recovery story with no BS. Welcome to the number one health anxiety podcast with Dennis Simsek, where Dennis shares the most powerful knowledge and skills to heal your health anxiety for good. This podcast is sponsored by the End the Anxiety Program, which is designed specifically for you to begin your healing journey. Visit anxietyexit.com to start the program today. Now, here’s your host, the anxiety expert.


Facing the Unspoken Fear

Friends, welcome to another episode of the Health Anxiety Podcast. I am your grateful host, Dennis Simsek. Thank you for joining me on episode number 56 of the Health Anxiety Podcast. Before I get into this very important content, I want to remind you that the Health Anxiety Program is now available, a step-by-step, proven, and gentle method to heal health anxiety.

The Fear of Admittance

And friends, this is an important podcast episode because it reveals to us what we’re not ready to reveal to ourselves. With health anxiety, there’s a fear of admitting health anxiety to ourselves. Admitting health anxiety would mean…

Disconnecting from Protection so we can overcome the fear

That we would be disconnecting from the physical protection we’ve had over ourselves, which makes us feel vulnerable, of course.

Dispelling the Illusion

The illusion over thinking that worry over our physical body has been the reason we haven’t manifested anything worse physically would disappear, and the true root causes of our physical symptoms would arise instead.

Mental and Emotional Components

This has much to do with the mental and emotional components to what it is we physically feel, my friends. We must understand this.

Challenging Anxious Programming

We would be putting a stop to years of anxious programming, at least beginning to question it, which would then begin opening us up to new information in regards to who we are, the true meaning behind other people, and the safety of this world.

Shifting from Fear to Faith

If we admitted health anxiety to ourselves, it would demand that we place more energy into faith than fear. When I say the word faith, I’m not using it in a religious sense, but rather in a trustworthy and deeper knowing sense. Wisdom would then begin overtaking the need for more and more information coming from the outside, coming from others.

A Chapter in Life

Health anxiety is a chapter in your life. Admitting health anxiety is the biggest step forward that you can take as it begins the process of respecting the lack of control we have over most things. It is a shift from the need for control and the need to know the answer to all things to observing and allowing things to be as they may.

Key to Transformation to overcoming the fear of admitting

This, my friends, is a key to all that we can do in this world. I’m not going to go to the emotional world. There are a lot of things that are personally affected by this very shift and I would like to say to those who are and who may well be doing those things. This friends, releases tension, and progressively leads us back to oneness with everything.

Personal Struggle

The fear of admitting health anxiety was something I carried around for many, many years. Because, as mentioned early in this podcast, the idea of not admitting it provided me with protection. The more I worried, the more protected I felt, okay? But we have to come to a realization in our lives that so many of the things that we believe are true are in fact lies. These are based around mental programming. These are based around external programming that wants to keep you in a constant state of fear.

Control through Fear

Do you know how easy it is to control people when they’re afraid? It’s so, so easy. If somebody’s afraid, you can make them do anything. And so, we need to understand that the lowest vibration there is is fear. And when it comes to health anxiety, it’s the fear of really proving to ourselves that this is health anxiety and nothing more. It is anxiety related to our health. It is an overconcern and an obsessiveness that we have.

Shift in Perspective

So, I think it’s important for us to understand that. And so, I think it’s important for us to understand that. And so, I think it’s important for us to understand that. And so, over our health, that creates the tension, that creates the rigidity in mind and body that takes us around that loop and right back to fear, most of the time irrational fear.

Admittance: A Key Step

My friends, starting today, you have to admit to yourself that you do, in fact, have health anxiety. You’ve gotten your body checked out. Everything’s come out negative. And trust me, there is no more value in worrying about your physical health as much as it may seem that there is.

Living in Truth

So you can stop living in a world of lies in terms of lies to yourself and start living in truth. Many of us are afraid to dive deeper into what these physical symptoms may mean because we’re afraid to uncover things. We’re afraid to uncover them. At a subconscious and a conscious level.

Uncovering the Causes

But here’s the truth. When you begin uncovering something and truly revealing to yourself the causes of these physical symptoms, which most of the time lie within childhood trauma, past experiences that overwhelmed us, and such.

Shifting Perspectives

When we begin to reveal these things to us, we can look at the symptom differently. When you have a different perspective over your physical symptom, now you are not only healing your health anxiety, you are healing your anxiety identity. It’s all about perspective and it doesn’t happen until we convince the deeper parts of us.

Seizing Opportunities to overcome the fear

My friends, remember, as you’re going through the day, every opportunity you face that creates health anxiety is, in fact, an opportunity.

Proving Safety

It’s an opportunity to prove to your body’s safety in any given environment. But in order for you to make progress, you have to be able to do it.

The Necessity of Admittance

You have to be able to admit to yourself that this is health anxiety or else you’re just going to be half-hearted in everything you do. You’re going to dabble with a little technique there, a little information here, but you’re never going to be truly convinced because you’re going to be pulled towards a physical disease or illness at every symptom that arises.

Choosing Identity Over Yo-Yo

Is that what you want to be? Do you want to be a yo-yo for the rest of your life? No, I don’t think so. You’re not a yo-yo. You are the light in this world. You are the light in this world. You are the light in this world. You are loved internally. You are loved externally.

Admitting the Truth

My friends, we have to start admitting the truth so that we can start making progress over health anxiety. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I hope this message spoke to you. Let’s begin healing together, my friends. If you have any questions on the health anxiety program, head over to theanxietyguide.com today. Remember that you are more than anxiety.

Closing Words in hope you can overcome the fear

For more Podcasts from our other show The Anxiety Guy Podcast. You can Find it Here

I’ll see you soon!


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