Home » Health Anxiety Show » 5 Changes That Put An End To My Anxiety Symptoms For Good

5 Changes That Put An End To My Anxiety Symptoms For Good


Thank you so much for joining us on this healing journey. If you’re ready to embark on a path toward overcoming anxiety, visit anxietyexit.com to start the program today. Now, here’s your host, The Anxiety Guide.

Episode 45: the Power to Halt Anxiety Symptoms

Warriors, welcome to episode 45. You’re listening to the Health Anxiety Podcast show. This is a monthly podcast, and I’m your host, Dennis Simsek. Thanks for subscribing. And if you haven’t already, check out the main podcast, The Anxiety Guide podcast, on Apple, Podbean, Stitcher. It’s there. And if you want to learn more about my programs, meditations, head on over to https://dennissimsek.com/anxiety-programs/ today and learn more.


Understanding the Messages Within

Today’s podcast episode is focused on your anxiety symptoms. Because isn’t that the large proportion of why people are listening to this particular podcast? Isn’t it the concern over the anxiety symptoms that linger and the anxiety sensations that tend to appear out of nowhere and create confusion, frustration, misinterpretations? Absolutely.

I want to share with you five things that put an end to my anxiety symptoms for good. Now, I want you to relate to what I’m about to talk about. I want you to take it in and say, you know what? I’m doing that. Be honest with yourself. Be open to new interpretations because if one person can heal from health anxiety, so can you.

1. From Fighting to Understanding

The first thing that helped me a lot was going from fighting to understanding. Understanding the messages that were connected to the repression of emotions and past experiences. When a symptom arose, I used to fight with it. Why are you here? I want to get rid of you. I don’t want you in my life. I can’t do anything because of you. Are you going to get worse? Are you connected to a disease and illness? Imagine this much focus on a particular symptom. So much focus that it eats up on a person’s willpower and their ability to be engaged in what’s taking place in the present moment.

So I went from fighting to understanding. What is this? What is my body trying to tell me? What am I repressing? What sort of things have I not looked directly at? The fears, the angers, the doubts, the unforgiveness towards myself and others. There are messages that come with your symptoms and sensations, and you must be open to interpreting those symptoms and sensations. You must be open to taking in those messages and using them to be able to resolve what your body wants to resolve.

So it’s vitally important starting today to stop fighting with the very things you’re fighting with on the inside and to begin understanding them. To be open. Open to interpreting them in a different manner.

2. Embracing Unconditional Love

The second thing is to move from fear to unconditional love for why they are there. Unconditional love towards your symptoms and sensations? Absolutely. Thank you so very much for looking out for me. Thank you for warning me of something that is going to arise in the future that’s connected to past trauma from the past. Thank you so much subconscious body for carrying around this information until now and letting me know that I can resolve what needs to be resolved through my conscious mind today.

These are very important lessons because when you can spread love towards the very thing that you hate and fear, you will begin healing. Be open to this interpretation.

3. Transforming Inner Dialogue

The third thing I did was move from self-sabotaging inner dialogue to gentle and neutral inner dialogue. My inner dialogue was awful. I would always beat myself up. I would always sabotage myself. I would always look down on myself. Symptom arose. I always talked myself into thinking that health anxiety would be there forever. Not only myself, but I convinced a lot of people in my life. So this inner dialogue must change. The way you talk to yourself must change, and the way you dialogue with your body and interpret the things going on in your body must change. How are you speaking to yourself right now? How? Be honest. When a symptom arises or a fear arises, what do you do? Do you swim in that helplessness? Do you not show it to others and put up the mask all day long? What do you do? Pay attention to your inner dialogue and make sure that when you are thinking about things, you are thinking about them through your conscious mind, not replaying the same ideas from yesterday.

4. Introducing Self-Awareness through Mini Vacations

Number four was I started taking short mini vacations to introduce a different sense of self-awareness. I started taking short mini vacations to introduce a different sense of self-awareness to myself, and I began getting familiar with peace, and I know that that’s kind of a strange thing to say, but I didn’t know what peace was. I thought I had to hustle and fight through every moment of my life, and I never knew what peace was or what self-love was, so I took these short mini vacations throughout the day just to, in a short period of time, introduce peace and love to myself. I remember sitting on a park bench and just simply being grateful for that moment. I remember sitting there and asking for more wisdom to show up and to be guided towards healing. I found peace through short mini vacations that I urge you to take starting today.

5. Harnessing the Power of Tonality

And finally, tonality. I completely changed the tonality in terms of how I was listening to those worrying thoughts. No longer was it the voice of my father or authority figures or even my own voice. Those fearful thoughts were now coming from the voice tone of Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Daffy Duck, you name it. People? Characters? That I never took seriously. So when I heard the same fearful thought through their voice tone, I found myself detaching from the emotional component. I no longer got emotional behind an idea that popped up, a negative idea. And I had the option, the choice of acting and behaving differently. Tonality is a very powerful tool. Tonality is a very powerful tool that you must use to heal yourself from health anxiety. Key word, heal, not manage your symptoms.

Remember, it takes less energy to work with these anxiety symptoms than it does to fight them. So open yourself up to understanding how to work with them. And I promise you, freedom will be right around the corner. Thank you. I love you from the bottom of my heart. Check out the main The Anxiety Guide podcast on Apple. Subscribe. And if you have any other questions on any of my programs, head over to theanxietyguide.com. I love you so much and I’ll see you soon. Bye-bye.

Warrior’s Reminder

Warriors, if you are enjoying this podcast, please subscribe and give it a positive rate and review. Also, don’t forget to check out the podcast on Apple Podcasts, the original Anxiety Guy Podcast

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