
Category: Health Anxiety Show

5 Simple Health Anxiety Steps to Kickstart Your Recovery

December 1, 2023 No Comments

Your health anxiety recovery begins today, Click Here to Get Started. Health anxiety (hypochondria) can take up most of our attention no matter what we do throughout the day. The constant checking into anxiety symptoms, falling for intrusive thoughts, and perceived situational anxiety catastrophe can cause great emotional turmoil.  That is why on today's episode of the health anxiety podcast I wi...

Why Detaching From Health Anxiety Is So Challenging For You!

Why Detaching From Health Anxiety Is So Challenging For You!

August 27, 2021 No Comments

Your health anxiety recovery begins today, Click Here to Get Started. Today we will dive deep into the challenges of letting health anxiety go. Letting go of health anxiety can also be challenging due to: Uncertainty and Fear of the Unknown: Health anxiety often stems from a fear of the unknown and the uncertainty surrounding one's health. The mind tends to fixate on potential health issues, lea...

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end the anxiety program
eat to beat